“Comments on the Data Protection Bill, 2020” being a presented at the Validation Workshop organized by the National Identity Management Commission on the Data Protection Bill, 2020: 14 September, 2020
177) “Institutional Arbitration in Africa Post COVID.19” being a presentation at the launch of the Janada International Centre for Arbitration and Mediation, Abuja: 3 October, 2020.

List of Publications
172) “Public/Private Sector Partnership Models and the Role of the Legal Advisers being a presentation at the NIALS Course for Legal Advisers: July 2019
173) “Building a 21st Century Legal Practice” being a presentation at a Mentoring Programme organized by JK Gadzama LLP: July 2019
174) “PPP Contracts and Concession Agreements” being a presentation at the NIALS Course in Drafting Commercial Agreements: 3 July, 2019
175) “The Significance of Administrative Rules Post COVID-19 being a presentation at NIALS Course for Government Legal Advisers: 16 September, 2020
176) “Comments on the Data Protection Bill, 2020” being a presented at the Validation Workshop organized by the National Identity Management Commission on the Data Protection Bill, 2020: 14 September, 2020
177) “Institutional Arbitration in Africa Post COVID.19” being a presentation at the launch of the Janada International Centre for Arbitration and Mediation, Abuja: 3 October, 2020.
178) “Mediation in Criminal Matters: Scope, Challenge and Prospects under Nigeria’s Criminal Law Jurisprudence” being a presentation at NIALS ADR Course: 14 October, 2020.