Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab is the Founding Partners & Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy Groups at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm; Chair of Private International Law and Professor of International Arbitration (Cairo University); Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Member of the ICCA Governing Board; Dean of the Africa Arbitration Academy; Member of the CRCICA Advisory Committee; Member of the MIAC Advisory Board; Member of the CIMAC Court of Arbitration; Member of the Board of Trustees of the CIArb; Chair of the International Expert Advisory Committee of the China Permanent Forum on Construction Law; and Member of the Governing Board of International Council on Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR).
He served as ‘Arbitrator’, ‘Counsel’ and ‘Legal Expert’ in more than 200 cases involving African, Asian, Canadian, European, Middle Eastern and US parties. He received the LAW Magazine 2017 Best Legal Practitioner Award, the 2018 ASA International Arbitration Advocacy Prize, the 2019 AYA Hall-of-Fame African Arbitrator Award and the 2020 Client Choice International Award. Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahab is listed in the top 64 world leading practitioners in Who’s Who Global Elite Thought Leaders: International Arbitration (2021). He also features in AFRICA’s 100 list of leading African arbitration practitioners by I-ARB (Africa). The Legal500 (2019) states he is ‘one of the best in the world’. WWL Thought Leaders Global Elite: Arbitration (2021) says “Mohamed is a top-tier thought leader and in a league of his own”. WWL: Arbitration (2020) says he is “at the top of the market” and “a very well-prepared, exceptional arbitrator”. WWL: Construction (2019 -2020) says he is “a leading heavyweight construction law specialist whose analytical skills are second to none”. Client Choice International (2020) by Lexology says: “Mohamed is one of the most brilliant legal brains of his generation and impressive, proactive, a very good speaker, and a very impartial and independent arbitrator”.
Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahab is also co-editor (with Maxi Scherer and Niuscha Bassiri) of “International Arbitration and the COVID-19 Revolution” (2020). He is also the author of the Abdel Wahab Pandemic Pathway to Virtual Hearings, which was nominated in (2020) for the GAR COVID-19 Pandemic Response Award and published by the Global Arbitration Review on 6 May 2020 (and was also translated into other languages including Chinese and published in the Beijing International Arbitration Quarterly Vol.112 (2020, No.2).